Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Ed-Pire Strikes Back

As promised/warned/threatened (depending on your point of view) I mentioned I would be trying to book another open mic night at Snickerz comedy Bar in Fort Wayne. I received confirmation today that my next appearance will be Thursday, December 21 at 7:00pm. A nice chance for you to have a few laughs before the roller coaster nightmare of the holidays really kicks in.

Last time was almost a full house, so reservations are highly recommended. The number to call is (260) 486-0216. Admission is $8 and there's a 2-item minimum per person.

Ok, I vowed to let you know the details of my next appearance doing stand-up and I feel like I've held up my end of the deal. Now get out there and have a great Thanksgiving!


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