Saturday, May 09, 2009

An Open Letter to Lorne Michaels*

*or Marci Klein. If I get either one of you to look at this, that's cool.

Hi. My name is Ed. I'll make this quick, I know you're busy.

Word on the street is, you should stop by the National Comedy Theatre this Friday, May 15 and check out one of the shows (one at 7:30, one at 9:45). There's a good group of people there you should see.

I'm not just saying that because I'll be up from Pennsylvania and appearing in the shows that night. I'm saying that because I'll be up from Pennsylvania appearing in the shows that night and I want you to hire me.

My wife and I have tickets to SNL on Saturday the 16th, so I'll be in the building to sign the papers. Funny how it all works out, huh?

Thanks! See you in a few days!


Ed Placencia


DWLewis said...

Hey Ed,

Good luck!

J.R. (Mind of J.R.) said...

I did some time at Second City in Chicago and I want to make a letter to Lorne Michaels also...

WTF happened to your show, Saturday Night Live?

Its on still, but I don't laugh. I just kind of sit through it.

Give me a fucking writing job or even a scene on that show and I'd single handily raise it to the 70s level of popularity.

How about Gilda back, or Akroyd or Belushi as the fricken Samurai... the writers suck and the actors have no personality.

eplacencia said...

"How about Gilda back, or Akroyd or Belushi as the fricken Samurai"

I hate to break it to you, JR, but Gilda and Belushi died years ago. Bringing them back is NOT a good idea.