Wednesday, February 02, 2011

And The Oscar Would Go To...

I've finally seen all 10 films nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award® for 2010. I'm not a voter, but I'm a movie buff, and here's how I'd order them from best to worst.

  1. Toy Story 3

  2. 127 Hours

  3. The King's Speech

  4. True Grit

  5. Black Swan

  6. The Fighter

  7. Winter's Bone

  8. The Social Network

  9. Inception

  10. The Kids Are All Right

This was a pretty good year for movies, and for the most part I enjoyed all (or almost all) of the nominated pictures. The ones ranked 1-3 could easily be interchanged; the same with 4-7.

8, 9, and 10 are pretty  much where they belong.

What about you? Which one would you place at the top?


Jonas Cohen said...

I haven't seen Winter's Bone, Inception, or True Grit. At the moment though I would put Black Swan at the top. For me, a best film needs to have great acting, great directing, great cinematography, great script, great concept/vision... for me it had all those elements. Followed closely by Toy Story 3, King's Speech, and The Fighter. 127 was a great performance by James Franco but I kept feeling like the actual story and the actual video tape that Aron Halston made was probably a LOT more interesting than the script they came up with blech... just didn't work for me. Social Network was a TERRIFIC script and deserves best screenplay I think. I'm still baffled as to why Kids are all right is even nominated and why the critics liked it so much. I mean, really?

theveryhungrybookworm said...

Oh wow, I am trying to work my way through the movies and I can already tell that we disagree! I would love to hear your thoughts, especially on Toy Story 3, since if you look over at my site, I just ranked it as my least favorite so far.

Maybe there is something that I missed?

theveryhungrybookworm said...

Oh wow, I am trying to work my way through the movies and I can already tell that we disagree! I would love to hear your thoughts, especially on Toy Story 3, since if you look over at my site, I just ranked it as my least favorite so far.

Maybe there is something that I missed?

eplacencia said...

Thanks for your comment! I read your blog, and yea, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I thought TS3 more than succeeds as a stand-alone film (I didn't much care for TS2). The visuals were amazing and the scene at the garbage dump was beyond incredible. I thought the story was solid and was surprised one of your comments was a lack of comic relief. I remember laughing pretty much throughout the entire film, especially the moments it didn't take itself (or other movies) too seriously.

I also don't think you can discount it because it was a sequel or had been done before. If that were the case, there would be no "Aliens" or "Empire Strikes Back." And yes, it plays as another prison-break movie, but it's how it bends the genre on its ear that makes it even better. As good as I thought the original was/is, I thought this latest installment was better. I felt the story elements went deeper, the stakes were higher, and the emotional connection was stronger.

But again, that was just me. I love hearing what others think and enjoyed reading your post!

eplacencia said...

I totally agree with you on The Kids Are All Right. I thought it was an OK movie, but just OK. I thought there were some major gaps in the script that never got explained, most of them in the last 15 minutes of the film. Definitely wouldn't have chosen it as one of the year's 10 best. Loved reading your thoughts, Jonas!

Brad said...

I haven't been able to see all of them. Others made my top 10 but these nominations did.

1. Inception
2. The Social Network
3. True Grit
7. Toy Story 3

Not Listed:
Winter's Bone

theveryhungrybookworm said...

Great points! In the end, it all comes down to personal preference, however objective the Academy tries to be.

I'm going to have to watch it again. Maybe I was just in a bad mood or something last time I saw it, if it was actually that funny. Maybe I just missed it!