Well, it finally happened.
No, the Cubs didn't win a game, let's be realistic.
The Placencia household now contains a smart phone.
Sarah's phone became eligible for an upgrade this month and we went to Costco to check out our options. When I first mentioned this - and the idea of getting a smart phone - to Sarah she was a little hesitant. However, once we were there in the store, it was a no-brainer.
After we settled on a phone, got the contacts from her old phone transferred, and got the new one all connected, we headed home and Sarah was busy in the passenger's seat exploring her new toy. Neither of us have really messed around with a smart phone before so it was all brand new to her and maybe even a little intimidating. Sarah is not one to back down from something just because it's foreign to her, though, and she dove in fearlessly.
I wondered what would catch her eye first. The accessibility of her Gmail account? Her calendar? Facebook? Angry birds?
We only got a couple of minutes away from the store when Sarah broke her silence, held up the phone triumphantly, and declared, "We're only 2 miles from coffee!"
That's my girl.
What kind of smart phone?!
It's a Google-powered Droid, or something like that.
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