Sunday, February 28, 2010
Movie Studio Theme Songs
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Practice Safe Googling
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Reason # 583 Why I Love CraigsList
Filmmaker seeks actors and other talent who have something to "bring to the table." Access to financing is a top consideration. Locations, equipment, editing, music, or anything else that may be useful to a film production. Creative roles available in short and feature projects in development. Please send basic info about yourself, what you do, and what you have to offer.
In other words:
"Hey, who wants to give me a bunch of money and then make a movie for me?"
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Atop the Kimmel Center
While I was in Philadelphia, our pal Ralph was kind enough to stop by the city and show me some of his favorite sites in the city, which included some of his secret spots to snap photographs. It was really cool to see the city not from the viewpoint of a tourist guide but from the point of view of a photographer.
It was also really good to touch base with a friend again whom we see on a not-regular-enough basis. Ralph took me to the roof of the Kimmel Center, which just begs to be photographed. Ralph and I couldn't help but oblige.
Food in Philly
From there we walked down to option #2, a Mexican restaurant named El Vez. At least, by day it's a restaurant. By night it too had magically transformed into some cool hip dance club from the 80s and we were told the wait there would be 2 hours.
So, Sarah and I just turned around, went back to the hotel, and ate at the Thai restaurant downstairs. It was worth the wait.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Real (Bad) Time
It's like I have some weird kind of short-term memory.
"Oh hey, maybe NOW I'll like him."
(Five minutes later)
Body Works
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hangin' wif Ben
While I wait for Sarah to return from her Zumba class, I'm posting this. Maybe we'll hit Body Works tonight, maybe we won't. If we do, you know I'll be blogging about it. :)
Seriously...Do You Hear That?
I thought this was the kind of thing that only happened in the movies. Part of me wants a translator and part of me really doesn't.
Philadelphia's Unknown Sights
I walked around a bit this morning to take in some sites, but it's hard to do when you don't know what you're looking at or what you're looking for. So I would just wander around and look at the old buildings. Most of them look like museums or libraries but so far most of them turn out to be insurance companies or banks. Other buildings look like they have some cool history, but when I approach them, scary bums come popping out of the shadows and freak me out.
The city hall building is cool, but a lot of it is underground and in shadow, and well...let's just say there are a lot of places for creepy bums to hide and freak me out.
I did find Chinatown. So there's that.
This is what I've done so far. I'll keep you posted on my next venture out.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Zoo in Space
Here's the final product, as can be seen on Phredd's Youtube page, along with more music to keep your ukulele-lovin' foot tapping.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Shakespeare for Dummies
Also, it was the only time I'd ever been to a play (let alone a Shakespeare play) where I was sitting next to a couple totally making out during the show. I guess that's what we get for going during Valentine's weekend, but come on. If you're in your thirties, you'd think you'd at least have some theater etiquette. But not these two. They showed up 10 minutes late, the lady took a phone call during the show, and then they sailed through the second act playing tonsil hockey like a couple of kids in the 1950's at a drive-in movie.
During the intermission Sarah and I discussed the play so far and came to the conclusion that we know a lot about a lot of things but Shakespeare isn't one of them.
I feel the need to clarify that Sarah and I really did enjoy the show and, again, by the end, the audience was howling with laughter. We just wanted them to fast-forward all the dancing fairies and get back to our pal JT.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Yellow Pages to the Ground!
The Not-So Long Walk Home
Yet Another Day in the Snow
Just as we were finishing up our game of Phase 10, Josh, Square One's owner and roasting guru, asked us if we'd like to watch him roast some coffee. We jumped at the opportunity and, with his permission, rolled video. And for those of you new to the idea of editing, despite the length of the video, no, the roasting process doesn't take a mere 3-1/2 minutes. Unless you want really bad coffee.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow End in Sight
Monday, February 08, 2010
Bullcrap Jingle
The marketing gurus at Bulldog Lawyers (dot com) decided to make their ad stand out by composing a jingle that would not only be bad, but be sung badly, too. After airing a few times this afternoon, I'd had enough. I went to their website to yell at them about their ad and find out who this tone deaf over-smiling jingle man is who sings their song.
Much to my surprise, they have a chat feature on their website and I immediately logged in and began speaking with Bulldog Vicky.
Vicky: Do you have a question I can help you with?
Guest: Hi. Who sings the "Bulldog Lawyers dot com" jingle?
At this point, there is a 4-minute lag in the conversation. Then, Bulldog Vicky returns:
Vicky: I don't have an answer.
Vicky: Do you have a question about a pending lawsuit I can help you with?
Guest: No. I just wanted to know who sings that jingle.
Vicky: Maybe if you call our staff they can help you.
Vicky was no help. Turns out she's not a Bulldog Website Chat Answer Person. Dot com.
PS. Sarah came in to the living room as I was typing this. She saw my snickering and asked what I was doing. "Blogging," I told her. "About what?" she asked me. "Bulldog Lawyers dot com," I answered, laughing. Sarah rolled her eyes and smiled. She already knows how I feel about them. Then she sat down next to me on the couch, leaned her head on my shoulder, called me a nerd, and watched the rest of Judge Judy with me.
Snowstorms Are Cool. Coffee is Better.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Snow Problem at All
[caption id="attachment_1472" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="All bundled up and ready to leave the parking garage and make the trek home"]

[caption id="attachment_1471" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Right around the corner from the parking garage is this cemetery"]

Friday, February 05, 2010
A Walk in the Snow
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Chevy Helpin' Haiti
The "Lost" Pinata
Sarah and I held our weekly "Lost" viewing party last night. Big deal, right? I'm sure there were a countless number of people having similar gatherings, especially since it was the season premiere of the final season.
We decided to turn it into a taco party. I freely admit we may not have been the only one to do that; tacos are easy to make and loved by all.
It's probably pretty safe to say that no other party featured a unicorn pinata.
This baby is about to find out that even the black smoke is no match for Tyler's power punch.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Heather Hearts Sleep

I feel bad for VA. They got second billing. Sleep got top billing.
Hey, Heather, guess what? You're an idiot.
A Post-Grammy Request