Monday, February 08, 2010

Bullcrap Jingle

There's a commercial on TV that drives me NUTS. It's a promo for Bulldog Lawyers (dot com), just one of the billions of 1-800 lawyers who advertise during what I call "Judge TV," that time in the early afternoon when shows like Judge Alex, Judge Joe Brown, and Judge Judy rule the airwaves.

The marketing gurus at Bulldog Lawyers (dot com) decided to make their ad stand out by composing a jingle that would not only be bad, but be sung badly, too. After airing a few times this afternoon, I'd had enough. I went to their website to yell at them about their ad and find out who this tone deaf over-smiling jingle man is who sings their song.

Much to my surprise, they have a chat feature on their website and I immediately logged in and began speaking with Bulldog Vicky.

Vicky: Do you have a question I can help you with?
Guest: Hi. Who sings the "Bulldog Lawyers dot com"  jingle?

At this point, there is a 4-minute lag in the conversation. Then, Bulldog Vicky returns:

Vicky: I don't have an answer.
Vicky: Do you have a question about a pending lawsuit I can help you with?
Guest: No. I just wanted to know who sings that jingle.
Vicky: Maybe if you call our staff they can help you.

Vicky was no help. Turns out she's not a Bulldog Website Chat Answer Person. Dot com.

PS. Sarah came in to the living room as I was typing this. She saw my snickering and asked what I was doing. "Blogging," I told her. "About what?" she asked me. "Bulldog Lawyers dot com," I answered, laughing. Sarah rolled her eyes and smiled. She already knows how I feel about them. Then she sat down next to me on the couch, leaned her head on my shoulder, called me a nerd, and watched the rest of Judge Judy with me.

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