I've written before about my good buddy Aaron Marrs. Unfortunately he's not with us anymore. Fortunately, while he was still here we had some really good times and I was able to capture one particular weekend on video.
It took place in early August 2003. We were both living in Nashville at the time and we had decided to go to his parents' house in Louisville for a weekend so we could catch a Bleach concert near Cincinnati and then hit King's Island the next day.
On the way to Louisville, we took a detour to visit GOLGOTHA (billed, no joke, as "the #1 shaded Biblical mini-golf resort"). You may have already seen the video but in case you haven't...
You may not have seen what we did for the rest of the weekend. I have decided to post that video as well and you can see it below. It was a really good time and thought those of you who knew Aaron might enjoy seeing him goofing around again.
Good times.
Holy mess! Bunbakers! I forgot about this part of the video.
please show this video footage to sight and sound, i see a new feature, with live animals... maybe they partner with the BIG mini golf course there in town?
Ha, what a bad-ass place!
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