Thursday, October 23, 2008


When Sarah and I got married almost a year ago (wow that was fast!) her dad got us a pretty amazing wedding gift: a week at a Sandals resort in Jamaica. But, since we got married in Florida and spent a few days down there afterward as a honeymoon, he told us we could pick whatever date we wanted to go. We decided to go with our 1-year anniversary and the time is now upon us!

Our flight leaves early Saturday morning from Philadelphia. And, in another awesome gesture, Sarah's dad booked us a night in a cool hotel Friday night so we wouldn't have to make the drive into the city crazy early.

I've never been to the Caribbean before and I'm excited. Sarah asked if I want to learn how to scuba dive. I do, but I'm also way crazy scared of sharks. And for no reason. Considering I have no shark trauma in my past, I have no reason to have such an irrational fear of them. Even at aquariums, I freak out walking under fake sharks hanging from the ceiling and get nervous walking past paintings of them. At Sea World in Florida they have this shark exhibit where you walk through the shark's like a tunnel in the middle of their tank made of glass and it took all of my will power to go in. Fortunately, they were all tiny, like 2-feet long, so it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared.

So yea, I wanna learn to scuba dive but I also don't want to spend the whole time paranoid that a shark is behind me waiting to chew on my cranium. I wonder if I can just take my scuba gear into the hot tub?

There are some other cool things there that I want to do and see, so I'm sure my Steven Spielberg-induced fears won't totally dominate my time. :) I checked the weather forecast and it's calling for showers every day we're there. But I totally don't even care. Something tells me a rainy day in Jamaica isn't the worst place in the world to find yourself.

So I'll be gone for a few days. You kids be good while we're away. Don't eat all the cookies the first day and remember to tape Saturday Night Live for me.


Michelle said...

No need to tape it when you can watch it all at

john allen said...

speaking of snl

(knock @ door)

"Who is it?"



"Land Shark."

Jaime said...

Oh my gosh, wow...happy anniversary already!