Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bacon and Egg. And high heels.

Yay! More strange but true news!!


Race in Heels Trips Man on Workers Comp

Mar 25, 8:47 PM (ET)

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Prosecutors say a video shows a Connecticut correction officer running a 40-yard-dash in women's clothing and high heels - at a time he had claimed he was too injured to work.Garrett A. Dalton of Naugatuck has been charged with workers compensation fraud. He's accused of taking part in a radio station's contest for Hannah Montana concert tickets last year. Not only did he have to dress in drag but he had to carry an egg on a spoon.Authorities were alerted after someone saw Dalton in a TV news report. Prosecutors say the 41-year-old collected more than $5,000 in workers' compensation after he reported a work-related injury in June.Court documents do not list an attorney for Dalton, and his phone number is unlisted. And no, he didn't win the contest.


OK so yeah, this guy was totally faking everyone out to get workman's comp. That's not the part of the story that disturbs me. It's the fact that the radio station's genius promotions director came up with the idea to give away Hannah Montana tickets by having people dress in drag and have a foot race in high heels. While balancing an egg on a spoon.

You know. Just like Hannah Montana does.



1 comment:

Fred said...


This is very funny and reminds me of a contest I won for a Joe Saint Michael's dvd where we had to dress up as radio friend phil and win a 40 yard dash while playing the xylophone and dxing a station from Canada. Fun times indeed.
