Monday, April 07, 2008

The Johnny Appleseed Prayer Song

Sarah and I went camping with a big group of new friends this past weekend. Right before lunch, our friend Alyssa asked if we'd ever heard of Johnny Appleseed. I thought she meant the dude and was about to say "Of course I have, I'm from Indiana."

And then I realized she DIDN'T mean the dude when they all started to hum. I grabbed my camera and captured THIS.


terra said...

Love the Johnny Appleseed song - it was a staple in my household growing up!

Linda Johnson said...

Please send words and melody of song if you know it. I have been trying to find out what it is, but my computer won't play you tube songs. Thanks,

nancy garcia said...

to whom it may concern; I would like the words to ( johnny apple seed prayer song) can you e mail it ? here is my address nancy garcia 7785 belden st 32 san diego; or call me ( 1 858 505 0685) thank you;

Mark lin said...

your song is so much fun. it wud be great if I can teach my class to sing this song if you please send me words and melody of this song.