Thursday, April 08, 2010


[caption id="attachment_1609" align="aligncenter" width="371" caption="In a rare aligning of the stars, Nikki and I are at the same place at the same time"][/caption]

We all know those people who are always up to something cool. You don't see them for a while and then when you do finally catch up again, you find out all of these cool things they've been doing.

That's my cousin Nikki.

Like my Uncle John, Nikki and I didn't see each other very often growing up. She lived in Ohio, we lived in Indiana. It happens.

We grew up. We got emails. We re-connected. And apparently when I wasn't looking, my little cousin was doing some crazy cool stuff.

Every time I turn around she's off on a different adventure: Nikki's in France. Nikki's in Italy. Nikki's in England hiking the coast. Nikki is hiking the Appalachian Trail.

We've all had those "One day I'd like to..." moments. Nikki doesn't just have those moments. She makes 'em happen. How can you not admire that?


Uncle John said...

Beautiful people make beautiful pictures. I love you guys!

John Placencia said...

What can I add to this fine blog, other than I love Nikki so much! She is super special and I got to know her when she (and her sister Gina) moved to California and lived next door. She is an inspiration. Nikki visited linda and me here in AZ a while back and she just bubbles with laughter and has a positive outlook on everything. I am proud of all she has done and enjoy every minute we can spend together. Her parents did a super job and so I close by once again expressing we love you Nikki !

a.p. said...

eddie love the family thinking and sharing not enough of that happening in our oun little worlds other than our next generation . my nikki is a special creation kinda like lets say moses. he went and did things that were out of his comfort zone and made an impact . nikki walks the walk and mkes an impact on others as well . like the time she took extra effort and wrote grandma placencia a card in spanish expressing her love for her the last week of her life . she put a big smile on her face which i will alwayse remember. nikki walks lots of trails and makes the path strait for many to follow. proud Pa pa