Last night Sarah and I rang in the new year at Linford and Trish's house. We met some cool new people, hung out with familiar friends like Ann and Stacey, and played a lot of games: an Amish card game called 9-Spot or 9-Down or something to do with the number 9, Mad Gab, something called blabble or gaburgle or some weird name. It's a card game by the makers of Cranium (which, in my opinion, is why you shouldn't just make up words to name games....because then no one can remember what it was to pass along the name). We played Apples to Apples and then I got a chance to finally import The Great Dalmuti to Pennsylvania.
My family and I first stumbled across this card game back in California after I read a rave review about it in a magazine. We would play it all the time but soon the game became impossible to find (I still don't know what happened to the version I had in California). I couldn't find it in toy stores or department stores or book stores or any of the usual places. I found it once on eBay but it was in German and a few weeks ago Sarah and I stumbled upon it in a comic book store when we were looking for Settlers of Catan.
This was the first time I got to teach it to my Pennsylvania buddies last night and it was a lot of fun (they told me that it is very similar to a Mennonite game called "Scum" but I'd never heard of it). After the game we all packed into the living room to watch Dick Clark ring in the new year and I secretly wondered why the Henson Company couldn't step in and help this guy out. If they can make a frog ride a bike then certainly they could help this guy along recovery road.
All in all it was a good time. I won one of the rounds of Apples to Apples and I spent a good amount of time as "The Great Dalmuti." The snacks were really good and the company was top notch.
Happy New Year indeed. :)
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