Yesterday I wrote about my time in Nashville working at Gotee Records. I've since returned to the area a number of times to visit friends and, projecting back to my time there in the early 2000s, the 2002 version of myself is wayyyyyyy jealous of the current-day version of Franklin. I'm not sure when it came about but citizens in and around the downtown area now get to enjoy and take advantage of the existence of Frothy Monkey, a coffee shop/cafe that does everything it does better than most places do.
I don't remember who tipped me off to Frothy Monkey - probably Gabe or Brad - but I'm glad they did. They make a mean cup and the food... oh man, the food. Also, it's a great place to go if you like playing the "spot the music industry person" game (Hint: Look for skinny jeans and super deep vee shirts (guys only)).
Frothy Monkey is a great place to work out of the office, which many people take advantage of. And, if you're like me, it's a great place to meet someone for an interview which I've done more than a few times for my Foot in the Door podcast. They're always super-accommodating, the breakfast menu is incredible and, as a coffee nerd, I've never had a cup I didn't like.
In our many visits there we've collected Frothy Monkey sweatshirts (they did NOT skimp on the quality) and of course, two of the mugs shown above. A good coffee shop is more hard to find than you might assume, so it's nice to have places like The Monkey you know and trust that you can hit up while you're in town (the same goes for Catalina Coffee Company in Hermosa Beach CA).
There are actually three Frothy Monkey locations (the other two are in downtown Nashville) so if you're ever in the area, you've no excuse to not stop in and experience the goodness for yourself. And when we're NOT in town...we have these mugs to make us feel like we are.
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