Thursday, July 06, 2006

Old Friends

Today I called JT. Hadn't talked to him in a long time (too long). It was really good to talk with him again and catch up. He's a good man, strong work ethic, and I admire him a lot (plus, he's freakin' hilarious). You know those people that you know and miss and love but never realize how much until you talk to them again? Same thing happened again today. I miss that guy.

I've also been chatting with my dear friend Edlyn as well. She works at Gotee and I kind of kick myself for leaving Nashville and not taking advantage of having such a cool friend nearby while I was there. I constantly ask myself why we didn't hang out more. I'm glad we've been talking more and getting to know each other. She rocks my world!

I single them out not because they are my favorite friends whom I miss, but because I spoke to both of them today, and it was on my mind how much I love all of my out-of-town buddies.

Warm fuzzies for everyone. Take two, they're small.

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